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Kyiv 01901 Ukraine

Regional English Language Office > Classroom Sets

English Teaching Resource Center
National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
2 Skovoroda St.
Building #3, entrance #2, 1st floor, room 121
(Kontraktova Ploshcha metro station)
Tel: (044) 238-6610
E-mail: etrc_kyiv@yahoo.com

Classroom Sets of Textbooks

The ETRC has sets of textbooks that can be borrowed for up to five months for classroom use. A member must have been registered for at least three months before being allowed to borrow classroom sets. Click here for general information about registration at the ETRC. An official request from the member's institution is required for borrowing classroom sets of textbooks When requesting classroom sets, please indicate the title of the book, the name of the person responsible for the books, and the date when the books will be returned to the library. A set of up to 10 books can be borrowed.

General Textbooks:

1. "Side by Side" Book 1 for beginning level students
2. "Side by Side" book 2 for intermediate level students
3. "Perspectives 2000" Intermediate English 1
4. "Changing Times" Integrated approach to reading
5. "Success" Communicating in English, beginning level
6. "Norton Anthology of American Literature"
7. "Functions of American English" Communication Activities for upper intermediate students
8. "Interchange 1" Beginning level textbook
9. "Burning Beds & Mermaids" by G.Forman, stories for advanced conversation
10. Advanced English Grammar
11. "Understanding and Using ENGLISH GRAMMAR" by Betty Schrampfer Azar
12. "Fundamentals of ENGLISH GRAMMAR" by Betty Schrampfer Azar
13. "New American Streamline" Departures
14. "New American Streamline" Connections
15. "New American Streamline" Destinations
16. "On Your Mark 1" Introductory level textbook
17. "In Contact 1", "In Contact 2" Beginning level textbook
18. "On Target 1", "On Target 2" Intermediate level textbook
19. "In Charge 1", "In Charge 2" Advanced level textbook
20. "Open Sesame" series for children
21. Addison-Wesley readers for children, levels A-D
22. "Weaving it Together" (advanced level reader)
23. Making Your Point (Writing Techniques: Features include authentic readings combined with a process approach and grammar analysis)
24. Modern Impressions (Advanced Writing Communication Text)
25. Critical Explorations (High-Advanced Written Communication)
26. Tools for Writing (for Intermediate Students)
27. Refining Composition Skills (Rhetorical and Grammar devices aimed for Advanced students)
28. Mastering Writing Essentials (a comprehensive approach to developmental writing problems
29. "Focus on American Culture" ABC News video program
30. U.S. History

English for Specific Purposes:

1. "Focus on Business" ABC News video program
2. "Focus on Innovators and Innovations" ABC News video program
3. "Focus on the Environment" ABC News video program
4. "Professional Interactions". Oral communication skills in science, technology, and medicine
5. "Starting up your own business" expert advice from the U.S. small business administration
6. "Open for business" (Communication activities for students of English), 5 copies
7. Business Correspondence (memos, faxes, business letters)
8. Business Communication for Intermediate students
9. New International Business English (Upper-Intermediate level) 5 copies
10. Greening (an environmental reader)
11. Day by Day (English for Employment Communication) Beginner's level.

Regional English Language Office

English Teaching Resource Center (ETRC)
Books for Sale
Classroom Sets

Links to Related Sites

FORUM Magazine
FORUM Online
English Teaching Journal
English Language Fellow Program
English Teaching Specialists
TESOL Ukraine
Alta Book Center
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Office of English Language Programs
Other English Language Officers Worldwide
Alumni Information
Grant Opportunities
Information Resource Center
Partner Organizations and Advising Centers
Press-Release Archive

Guide: If You Want to Study in the U.S.
Exchange Programs
Cultural Events
Photo Exhibit "Ukraine through the Eyes of an American Peace Corps Volunteer"
Exhibition "Headlines of History"
Photo Exhibit "Images from Ground Zero"

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